Customer engagement

We know that the people who live in our homes are in the best position to help shape our services, keep an eye on our performance and influence the work we do in our communities.   

Our customers have a strong voice across our organisation, to the very top level, and contribute to our business in a variety of ways, through:

  • Looking closely at our services and telling us what they think and what we can improve.  
  • Recommending targets for service levels and reviewing them with our Board. 
  • Helping us shape our plans, policies and strategies by sharing their feedback, expertise and input. 
  • Providing their insight and know-how to help us take a hyper-local approach to our community investment work. 
  • Developing what we do and how we do it, through customer journey mapping and co-creation. 

Our new engagement framework

As SNG we’ve been working to combine our engagement offer using your feedback so all customers get the best possible opportunities. In summer 2024 we announced our new SNG framework, with new opportunities for customers to help improve our services and hold us to account.

Applications to join our new Customer Influence Panel and Scrutiny Panel closed on 22 September and thank you to everyone who applied. (If you have any questions, please email and keep an eye on this web page for the latest updates.)

The two main structures within this framework are our new Customer Influence Panel and our new Scrutiny Panel.

Each panel has its own Chair and several panel members, with the Customer Influence Panel also having a Vice Chair. As well as covering expenses, each of these roles are paid. The Panels each have approximately 4-6 meetings a year, both in-person and digitally. 

Customer Influence Panel 

This a customer-led and customer-appointed group which influences and scrutinises our business performance, strategies, and policies.  

The Customer Influence Panel consists of 12 SNG customers and includes a Chair and Vice Chair. The Chair serves as an observer at the SNG Board, with a Board-appointed nominee sitting as an observer on this Influence Panel. 

Scrutiny Panel 

This customer-led and customer-appointed group, oversees scrutiny activity, carrying out dedicated reviews of specific services as requested by the Influence Panel. 

The Scrutiny Panel consists of six customers (including the Chair) and works independently from the Customer Influence Panel. 

The Influence Panel is supported by a wider pool of customers who will conduct ad-hoc scrutiny reviews regularly (such as into our repairs service). These reviews will involve making recommendations on business improvements and the outcomes of each scrutiny will then be presented to the SNG Board.