Grants and funding

We’re committed to improving the wellbeing and quality of life of our customers and developing thriving and resilient communities. 

We will be setting up a Community Foundation to directly support customers and communities and we are currently developing our strategy and plan for this foundation. 

One of the ways we're already supporting communities at SNG is by delivering funding directly into the heart of our communities. 

We offer a number of different community grants for projects and ideas that support people and communities to thrive.

We aim to support not-for-profit groups and organisations who work with SNG customers in our communities, and share our priority themes of:

  • ageing well
  • community action and engagement
  • employment support
  • environment and place
  • equality, diversity and inclusion
  • financial and digital inclusion
  • health and wellbeing
  • social inclusion and isolation
  • specialist and supported housing
  • tenancy sustainment
  • young people.

If you have any questions, please email